14 January 2016

Birth Experience

I have to say that the people around you can make or ruin your birth experience. Unfortunately we all cant deliver our own babies so at such a vulnerable time we are at the mercy of others...

I understand the need for efficiency and what not for nurses and doctors but please treat these ladies better.

1st birth was a wonderful experience. Nurses were wonderful, I was nervous and terrified and I must have been very annoying but they were wonderful - private care, government hospital.

2nd birth experience was horrible.. The midwives and other nurses were needlessly rude and cold. Just a callus rough attitude. Competent but just well...horrid. A little kindness goes a long way to relieving the trauma of the whole experience - government poly clinic.

I know these nurses are grossly underpaid and overworked. But I'd expect women, who have mothers, sisters, daughters... who have had and will have children, to not go out of their way but to at least be nice. Fake it if you have to. No need to make the experience terrible for no good reason?

Not Enough Growth?

I haven't had a lot of growth. Mainly because I haven't been treating it as I should. I have seen some growth but would probably see more if I took proper care of it.

14 January 2015

Have a kid turning 2 in a little bit. Plus a two month old!
So don't know when I'll have the time.