09 July 2014


There are several causes of diaper rash. These two links can help give you clearer more detailed information:

Wikipedia - Irritant Diaper Dermatitis
Chealth - Diaper rash

In our case it began with what seemed like a sudden onset of a mild running tummy. The buns poop which had always been yellow had become green, slimy, foamy and very frequent. The bun would usually poop once a day or once every two to three days was now pooping several times a day, sometimes more than once in an hour. The bun is exclusively breast fed so fortunately these changes brought no new odors with them.

The buns bottom was bright red and swollen and she would scream at the slightest touch.

Possible Causes:
  1. Prolonged exposure to moisture from the running tummy?
  2. Changed diapers from Huggies Gold to Pampers Premium Care? 
  3. Using baby wipes? 
  4. Friction from the numerous diaper changes could have irritated the skin.

  • To clean her we began

Things I Did Not Know About Babies

These are some of the things about babies that caught me off guard:
  • Farting
  • Cradle Cap
  • Their Nails
  • Body Hair
Other things weren't such a shock as I had read about them on-line. For a more detailed account of my little surprises -

Yes they are human and have all the necessary parts to toot but it still caught me off guard. A tiny newborn is gassy but it is odorless, then one day BOOM it stinks. I mean it really really reeks. Perhaps its their little tummies adjusting. Then you ask how can such a cute little thing be so stinky? Fortunately they ball aren't gaggers and they stink for short periods then back to normal.

Cradle Cap
This bothered me at first, as I did not know how to handle it. I found a pretty good solution HERE. My little bun.