29 August 2014

NEEM - Margo Neem Soap

I have tried tons of soaps and facial washes and very few ever do the trick. I Love to use neem soap. The only downside is that its hard to track down. I use: Margo Neem Soap.

It washes all the dirt and oil from your skin. Leaves you feeling fresh and clean. Not the most fragrant but what good is a fragrant non-performing soap?

What Is Neem?

  • Azadirachta indica
  • What is neem? For over 4000 years, women in India have relied upon Neem for flawless skin. The Neem tree is an evergreen tree that is part of the mahogany family and is a common feature of the drier regions of India, Southeast Asia, and parts of Africa. Neem bark, leaves, fruit, seeds and oils all contain medicinal qualities. Neem is highly treasured in India and is used extensively in Ayurvedic medicine for many skin issues and daily skin care.

For great neem info and products go to - JUST NEEM

Healing Benefits of Neem

The exceptional properties of Neem can be summarized as anti-septic and anti-inflammatory, and they facilitate wound healing. Neem trees produce a cocktail of molecules in their leaves and seeds that have potent properties. Scientific studies have shown Neem to have elements that are:
  • iconAntiviral – inhibits the growth of viruses
  • Anti-fungal – inhibits the growth of fungi
  • Antibacterial – destroying the growth of bacteria
  • Analgesic – providing pain relief
  • Anti-inflammatory – reduce certain signs of inflammation, swelling or tenderness
  • Antimicrobial -destroying the growth of microorganisms
In addition Neem contains insect repellent substances and natural anti-histamines. One can think of it as the immune system of the tree, a mechanism that allows these trees to survive in extreme environments.

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