29 August 2014

Weird Baby Care Advice

Here is some odd baby care advice I received from family, friends and strangers:

  1. Hold the baby under her thighs and not directly under her bottom so that the baby wont have a flat ass.
  2. Give the baby a bit of brandy so she wont be frightened easily.
  3. Cut her hair directly after birth because the hair will eat her growth.
  4. Avoid the sun so her skin wont darken.
  5. Throw tiny baby up in the air and catch her so she can get used to being thrown.
  6. Carry baby on your back so she wont refuse later.
  7. Give her cooking oil with salt to aid digestion.
  8. Cooking oil also helps with gas and oils the poop so it comes out easier.
  9. Have a traditional healer type of person check the babies fontanelle.
  10. Nurses say a lot, don't listen to it all.
  11. A mother should not peak at her babies budding teeth as it will stop them coming out.
  12. A penis can somehow magically "cure" a fontanelle.
  13. Ingesting cooking oil helps a baby sleep more.
  14. Dont allow an "evil" person to hold the baby before her umbilical cord stump falls off.
  15. Bury umbilical cord stump to protect it from witches.
I found it best to just nod and smile.

Do you have any strange advice you were given?

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