30 July 2012

Twist Out

Jabu Stone Bees Wax
I was not planning on doing a twist out. Come to think of it I didn't. But I just had to share this, for those who have a similar hair texture to mine and want to twist out their hair it might be good. I twist my hair not for the "twist out" but as a style I keep in. I decided to try Jabu Stone Hair Products and I chose to try their Bees Wax.

This is the first time I had ever put bees wax in my hair. It smells pleasant. Its thick and "waxy" and made twisting much easier. I should add that I had just done a henna and my hair had totally reverted. I wish now that I had taken pictures! As I was untwisting that's when I noticed the waves. I didn't think much of it and only decided to take a

25 July 2012

Longer Thicker Lashes And Eyebrows

I started this a little over a month ago an it does work. The thing about "natural remedies" is that you have to be patient. I used to give up on a lot of them if they didn't show results fast enough for me. But I have "grown" and am now more patient.

I used castor oil, mixed with nothing else. I use Khan's BP Castor oil.

I washed an old mascara wand. I just used liquid soap and warm

18 July 2012

Hoodia - Its The Shit!

Hoodia - a genus of 13 species in the flowering plant family Apocynaceae, under the subfamily Asclepiadoideae:

I know I could have phrased it a tad more eloquently but hey - it really is the shit. I had been struggling with my weigh for a long time. And it helped me. Its not some magic cure, no. I didnt just drink hoodia and magially loose weight.It did help me make better food choices. I changed my eating habits and cut down on my portions. It works! Plain and simple. I took mine in tea form:
And it actually delivered. When I first got it I thought what the hey let me give it a try. I was pleasantly surprised. Im not into excersize too much, so thank you hoodia plant! Thats me below

Vinegar and other natural remedies!

Apple cider vinegar
I discovered vinegar about two years ago. Before that it was but a sour liquid I avoided - even on chips! But    then my mom sent me a couple of books which touched on vinegar and other natural remedies and I haven't looked back since.
Of the top of my head, far I have used it to/as:
  • Washing my hair - fights dandruff and is good for your hair
  • Slight upset tummy/food poisoning?
  • Fading acne marks

11 July 2012

Nappy headed ho!

I'm here! I'm extra nappy and I'm... Happy?  No. I'm very HAPPY!
Yes I too was quite surprised by my happiness.

This is what happened to make me post about this:
The other day I was in a hardware store getting some paint. Whilst I was waiting for my order a lady came in and spoke with one of the attendants. I did not hear what was said between them but they both walked away from the encounter upset.

The lady had very short hair something like this: