18 July 2012

Hoodia - Its The Shit!

Hoodia - a genus of 13 species in the flowering plant family Apocynaceae, under the subfamily Asclepiadoideae:

I know I could have phrased it a tad more eloquently but hey - it really is the shit. I had been struggling with my weigh for a long time. And it helped me. Its not some magic cure, no. I didnt just drink hoodia and magially loose weight.It did help me make better food choices. I changed my eating habits and cut down on my portions. It works! Plain and simple. I took mine in tea form:
And it actually delivered. When I first got it I thought what the hey let me give it a try. I was pleasantly surprised. Im not into excersize too much, so thank you hoodia plant! Thats me below
. I dont know if you can see the difference clearly but trust me when I say I lost a lot of weight. I'm tall so factor that in if it helps. 

Best of all is it tastes great. I'm trying another freshpak tea right now. 

So if you do decide to take it consult your doc and research research research!


  1. Anonymous8/04/2013

    WOW you look amazing!! i just bought mine this weekend and i hope to see the results. I've had it for about two days now and my appetite has been curbed, its amazing!! thanks for this post- i feel much more enthusiastic now!!

  2. I'm glad hoodia helped you out.
